FAQ's - Frequent Questions
From the rear
First fix the supports, 2nd set the backrest to an angle that enables to rest it on the wheelchair's backrest (braking it), 3rd attendant will hold Tumboroller and 4th we slide through the backrest as a "slide".
To get off the process will follow this order; 1st fix supports, 2nd rest Tumboroller's backrest on Tumboroller seat, 3rd attendant holds Tumboroller and 4th will go through the backrest reaching the Tumboroller.
In both cases we ensure that the supports are in firm contact with the ground and well anchored in their spots. Also make sure the pins are not fixed, regardless of the chosen side or rear option.
The role of the attendant is to prevent Tumboroller slide, as it has no brakes and could rise if the user's weight is placed above the union of the supports with the backrest, for avoiding that, it is sufficient to act on the handles seat, for example putting a foot on it and just let drop the weight.
In some cases the user will need help to slide through the backrest while getting on or off process.